Are you an athlete striving to reach peak performance?Is staying “in the game” and off the sidelines your number one priority?Do you want to maximize your strength and develop explosive power?
Medial and lateral epicondylitis are rotation and grip related dysfunctions commonly stemming from movement problems at the shoulder and wrist.
Lower body dysfunction translates to timing problems at the pelvis leading to SI joint translating early in gait/motion.
Common source is pelvis control and/or ankle dysfunction.
Both are movement/plane related problems that can come from movement dysfunction of the calcaneus.
Throwing/overhead sports demand motion to occur and multiple joints of the shoulder. Common to have lack of motion of the scapula and clavicle contribute to a host of rotator problems.
Trauma/falls can lead to mobility problems with the ribcage that presents as asthma symptoms when high heart rate activities demand more motion from those muscles.
Common for hip and ankle dysfunction in power sports (lack of internal hip rotation and/or lack of ankle dorsiflexion)
Can be caused by overused plantarflexor muscles that then cause dorsiflexors to tighten up